Hi all

This is my very first message in the list.

I am trying to use the ssl and client authentication feature in tomcat 6,
using a pkcs11 compliant smart card reader and a real authentication smart
card (Italian CNS). 

In the browser (firefox) I obtain a ssl_error_certificate_unknown_alert or a


SSL without client authentication works perfectly.


This is my server configuration:


<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"

               maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"

               clientAuth="true" sslProtocol="TLS" 


keystorePass="tomcat" keyAlias="tomcat" 

truststoreFile ="C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\conf\cacerts"



tomcat.keystore contains the self signed x509 certificate I use to perform
the server ssl handshake.

cacerts contains the root certificate of my signature and non repudiation
certificate contained in my smartcard.


>From tomcat's log I obtained setting up
JAVA_OPTS=-Djavax.net.debug=ssl,handshake I am sure that:

1)       the root certificate is trusted (imported In cacerts with keytool
-import -trustcacert .)


adding as trusted cert:

  Subject: CN=InfoCamere Firma Qualificata, OU=Certificatore Accreditato del
Sistema Camerale, SERIALNUMBER=02313821007,

 O=InfoCamere SCpA, C=IT

  Issuer:  CN=InfoCamere Firma Qualificata, OU=Certificatore Accreditato del
Sistema Camerale, SERIALNUMBER=02313821007,

 O=InfoCamere SCpA, C=IT

  Algorithm: RSA; Serial number: 0x1

  Valid from Wed Mar 24 16:48:50 CET 2004 until Thu Mar 24 16:47:52 CET 2016


2)       The client certificate is taken from the smartcard and It's given
to the server; furthermore, the issuer is exactly tue trusted one:


*** Certificate chain

chain [0] = [


  Version: V3

  Subject: CN=Marcello Marangio, DNQ=20071112354269,


  Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5

  Validity: [From: Wed Nov 21 12:11:08 CET 2007,

               To: Sun Nov 21 01:00:00 CET 2010]

  Issuer: CN=InfoCamere Firma Qualificata, OU=Certificatore Accreditato del
Sistema Camerale, SERIALNUMBER=02313821007,

O=InfoCamere SCpA, C=IT

  SerialNumber: [    131b58]


3)       the browser (firefox) picks up the correct non repudiation
certificate from the smartcard and sends it to the server:


[9]: ObjectId: Criticality=true

KeyUsage [





The problem seems to be that tomcat is looking for the digital signature
certificate and not the non_repudiation one.


http-8443-1, SEND TLSv1 ALERT:  fatal, description = certificate_unknown

http-8443-1, WRITE: TLSv1 Alert, length = 2

http-8443-1, called closeSocket()

http-8443-1, handling exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException:
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: KeyUsage does not allow digital


Is tomcat's behavoir correct or is it a bug?


Thanks a million



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