On 23.11.2009 09:53, Tero Karttunen wrote:
> I have used mod_jk to configure Apache to work as a load balancer for
> two Tomcat server instances. To these Tomcat instances, I have
> deployed two Web Applications, "ts_core_virtual_repository" and "pum".
> These Web Applications are actually simple servlets that DO NOT use
> J2EE sessions, so even though I want to retain support for sticky
> sessions for future purposes, that is not necessary yet.
> I have set up failover for my Web Applications by setting the
> following in worker.properties for the loadbalancer workers:
>         worker.template.fail_on_status=500
> This effectually means that any ServletExceptions that the Web
> Applications throw cause failover to happen: the worker moves to ERR
> state and the request gets transparently forwarded to the next
> available worker. My stateless servlets expect and are prepared for
> this!
> Should "ts_core_virtual_repository" application fail by throwing
> ServletException, the loadbalancer also interprets "pum" application
> as having failed and starts to forward its request to other workers. I
> would like the loadbalancer to treat the applications individually for
> 500 Internal Servlet Error failover purposes. What would be the best
> way to do this?
> Although we are not short of machine resources, the solution should
> not be unnecessarily wasteful and silly - for example, I would NOT
> like to create a set of totally new, separate Tomcat server instances
> for different applications. Who knows, there might be a third or
> fourth web application in the future, so the solution should be
> somewhat scalable and maintainable.

There's only one thing you can do, namely create a separate connector on
the Tomcat side. For this you will also need to use a separate port.

Then you can configure different LBs pointing to the same Tomcat. In
order to make stickyness work (if you need it), you can't rely any more
on the automatism "worker name = jvmRoute", bacause you now have one
jvmRoute pr Tomcat, but two workers with different names. For this
situation you can explicitely set a route for a worker differing from
its name by using the "route" attribute.

> httpd.conf:
> LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk-1.2.28-httpd-2.2.3.so
> JkWorkersFile conf/ts_tomcat-workers.properties
> JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log

You can even use rotatelogs for the JkLogFile ...

> JkLogLevel info
> JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"
> JkMount /ts_core_virtual_repository/* loadbalancer
> JkMount /jkstatus/* jkstatus
> JkMount /pum/* loadbalancer
> ts_tomcat-worker.properties:
> worker.list=loadbalancer,jkstatus
> worker.template.type=ajp13
> worker.template.host=localhost
> worker.template.port=8110
> worker.template.lbfactor=1
> worker.template.connection_pool_timeout=600
> worker.template.socket_keepalive=true
> worker.template.socket_timeout=10

Don't use socket_timeout.
Use version 1.2.28 and socket_connect_timeout.

> worker.template.ping_mode=A
> worker.template.ping_timeout=4000

Relatively small. Could be triggered by a long GC to. But since you are
prepared for failover it might not be a problem.

> worker.template.fail_on_status=500
> worker.worker1.reference=worker.template
> worker.worker1.port=8110
> worker.worker2.reference=worker.template
> worker.worker2.port=8111
> worker.jkstatus.type=status
> worker.loadbalancer.type=lb
> worker.loadbalancer.balance_workers=worker1,worker2
> worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session=true
> worker.loadbalancer.sticky_session_force=false
> worker.loadbalancer.recover_time=60
> worker.loadbalancer.error_escalation_time=0

Looks good.

For administratively disabling a worker in a single mapping, there is
also a syntax when using a uriworkermap.proprties file. We call it a
mount extension. You can find examples in the docs page for
uriworkermap.properties. But it only works, if you as an admin want to
disable individual workers in individual mappings instead of in the
whole LB. It does not work for fail_on_status or other error detection.



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