2009/11/24 Guifre Bosch Fabregas <guifre.bo...@gmail.com>:
> Hi people!
> I have an unusual problem.
> I recently installed apache and if I go to server browser and put:
> http://localhost/APP or  works fine but if I put into a
> remote server i don0t aee nothing!
> Whats happend????

Applying my psychic abilities... you're Tomcat running on a computer
with a firewall that's enabled by default, and you've not added an
exception for Tomcat (on port 80).

But since you've not told us about your OS, Tomcat version or anything
else, that's just a guess from being psychic and seeing the same
problem asked on the list about once a week for the last 3 years ;-).

- Peter

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