Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 10/02/2010 16:05, Mark Shifman wrote:
>> I have a webapp that unmarshalls xmls prior to storing in my database.
>> I have recently noted that after a redeploy, the unmarshalling of a dateTime 
>> element is null while
>> the rest of the elements in my object seem to be unmarshalled fine.  If I 
>> restart tomcat things
>> seem to work again.
>> I created the classes for unmarshalling using the typical xjc stuff.
>> The webapp is running via struts 1.3.10 with tomcat 6.0.18, java version 
>> "1.6.0_07". It is running
>> on linux 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 via CentOS release 5.3 (Final).
>> I found one item on google where similar behavior occurred but there was no 
>> resolution.
>> Is this a known problem with jaxb unmarshalling that doesn't happen with 
>> newer versions of java?(I think
>> jaxb2 is the one in java 1.6)
>> Is there something obvious I didn't close that could be leaking?
> Possibly, but it certainly won't be obvious.
> Try updating to 6.0.24 and the latest JDK. There were some XML related
> leaks in the JDK that 6.0.24 provides work-arounds for.

I just tried with jdk1.6.0_18 (newest from sun) and tomcat 6.0.24 and it didn't 
I am now sure what I should try now. arggggg


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