Hi All,

I have the similar issue as Sasidhar Pradhakar, he posted "tomcat 6
not responding to any kind of request i.e. static and dynamic
resources after some hours" at

I have the similar issue as your case where my Tomcat stops responding
to all requests for around 3 minutes few times randomly per day, after
the ~3minutes, it will resume and respond to all clients.

Specification & Platform:
My tomcat is 5.5.26, running on Solaris 10 SPARC platform.

Description of my issue:
I have set the 20000 connectionTimeout setting as default with the Tomcat.

I generated 3 thread dumps during the period (by detecting that no
activity written to the log file and monitor the network activity) but
I could not identify the root cause from my application.
I could see the total number of threads are jumping from 210++ to
310++, after that it fall back to 210++. Most of the threads are the
HTTP Processes.
I had tried to send periodic requests continuously to the Tomcat using
JMeter in hoping the Tomcat will respond any request, but whenever the
Tomcat stops responding, all the requests are not
I can see the logging from the client browser is in waiting state from
the Tomcat response. But I cannot see the request logged in the Tomcat
log file. Unless the Tomcat 'awakes' and starts responding to all its

I need to clarify the symptom with you and seek your expertise on this:
a. May I know what is the problem of your tomcat?
b. Is the tomcat not responding for some minutes or hours to all
requests but then it can
c. Does it resume itself to respond all requests then?

Have anybody facing the similar issue before? Please feel free to
provide me the steps to tackle the issue or resolution.



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