David Bolsover wrote:
I'm not sure I'm any further along with this...

If I take this first URL (from Tomcat port 8080) and paste into my browser 
address bar, I get the expected image.


If I take this second user (from IIS via redirector 1.2.30 to tomcat), I do not 
get an image.


So it looks like the redirector (or IIS) is stripping out the jsessionid - why? I thought that the redirector should simply pass through the tomcat response - or have I got it wrong?
And I think you are right, it should.

 Would the connection errors seen in isapi.log explain this?

I have this particular problem on W7 32bit but not on Server 2k8 64bit implementations of the redirector.

If I compare your second link with the first, there is a difference which is not only the ":8080" part in the hostname. (I mean that the first link /already contains/ the jsessionid attribute, while the second one does not.)

So, if you copy the second link above, and /only/ add ":8080" to the hostname, and paste that in the URL bar of the browser, do you get an image or not ?

I believe that the problem is not that with the first link you get an image and with the second one you do not.
The problem is :
- why in the first case do you get a whole html document response from the server which, among other things, contains an <img> link which contains a jsessionid attribute
- and why in the second case do you get a whole html document response which, among other things, contains an <img> link without such a jsessionid attribute ?

The problem is already there before you even click on the image link.
The problem is in the page that /contains/ the link.
The connector certainly does not mess with the html /content/ of the server response page. The fact that you are getting two different response pages, means eithet - that the request that /obtains/ this response page is already different
- or that the server which generates this response page is different
That is where the problem is.

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