Pid wrote:
On 11/03/2010 07:58, Kranti™ K K Parisa wrote:
could you please explain the reasons for this and any solution to avoid this

I've decided that my Internet Telepathy™ service is now chargeable, so if you want answers you'll have to pay $2k an hour (it's a valuable service!).

Alternatively you can provide substantially more info and people here might be able to help...

Alternatively, there is always this :

In other words, Kranti, to expand a bit on what Pid is writing above :
- you do not say if the problem you are indicating is happening at the Tomcat side, or at the client side
- you do not say what the client is
- you do not say /where/ this error message happens
- you do not provide the URL which you say provokes this message
- you do not provide any information about the platform, the Tomcat version or anything that may possibly help someone in helping you - and if you had taken the simple step of searching in Google the exact error message which you reported, you would have found at least 1700 hits, of which the ones on the first page already indicate what the source of the problem is

which is essentially that something, somewhere, is trying to read from a socket that is not connected to anything.

It is the combination of all of the above which rubs people here the wrong way, because it makes them think that you are too lazy to even look up the issue first, too lazy to even describe the problem properly, and are just coming here asking the question because you figure that you can have other people spend their time doing your homework for free.

So now, if we are wrong about all this, would you like to try again ?

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