On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Andrey Ilyin <andrey.il...@db.com> wrote:
> Does this mean that session/servletContext is shared between contexts? E.g.
> if I have some attribute in session/application contexts in webapp1 would it
> be accesible in webapp2?

when the context is dropped from a Cookie-path, the cookie is valid
for any context on that host

> So my understanding how it works:
> 1) There is no cookie in browser - it will loadbalance to any engine

you'll loose the session without a cookie, unless you're using
url-rewriting to store the session-information.
best practise is to use a cookie, though

> 2) There is cookie in browser - it will loadbalance to engine which already
> has session - since cookie has no context path

nope. actually the cookie can now be shared between various contexts
on the same engine (machine).
when having multiple instances of tomcat running where you want to
share the session-information, IMHO you'll need to setup a


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