On 19/03/2010 18:45, Rob S. wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I have a script that works and I'm ready to submit a patch.  Tomcat pulls
> jsvc.tar.gz from the commons-daemon project, circa 2004/2005.
> http://archive.apache.org/dist/commons/daemon/binaries/
> The structure of the 1.0.1 commons-daemon is different than the structure of
> 1.0.2.  There is no /bin directory in the 1.0.2 release.
> Part of the trick is that in order to get this patch into Tomcat:
> - There needs to be another release of commons-daemon (unlikely for some
> time).
There is one due fairly soon. Mladen has been working on daemon recently.

> - Once that happens, Tomcat needs to be updated to pull that new release
> from the archive.
That is easy.

> Since the current version that Tomcat links to isn't very useful, does
> anyone have a suggestion on how to get it replaced?
There is already a proposal to update Tomcat to the new daemon 1.0.2


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