Thanks Chris for replying,

1) I have not looked at using mod_jk as a connector. Do you believe mod_jk is a 
better option to use than mod_proxy_ajp ?

2) proxy_ajp.conf just points to localhost  on port 8009

/usr/sbin/httpd -v
Server version: Apache/2.2.3
Server built:   Mar 27 2010 13:52:45

Server is a vanilla Centos5.4 linux install.

3) I checked the documentation on mod_jk,

and see a reply_timout worker directive, but cannot find a request_timeout 
directive. What is the theory behind a slow tomcat request from apache ? eg. 
Should apache buffer up the client request before sending across the connector, 
or is the connector responsible for handling a tomcat request across many 
fragmented request packets ?

4) I will look at reproducing using a hello world example on a TEST server with 
the same OS and then look at your suggestion of upgrading to a new version. Our 
preference though is to stay with vanilla CENTOS, if we can. Easier for future 
software maintenance.


--- On Sat, 10/4/10, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> From: Christopher Schultz <>
> Subject: Re: Fragmented delivery of servlet request
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
> Received: Saturday, 10 April, 2010, 7:48 AM
> Hash: SHA1
> Doug,
> On 4/9/2010 2:31 PM, Doug Herbert wrote:
> > some timimgs :
> > 
> > took 1500 milli seconds for all 19 packets to arrive
> at that web server, from the client's browser connected
> across a 'slow' cellular network.
> > 
> > took 2 ( two ) milli seconds for tomcat to balk at the
> incoming request and send back the RSP packet, after the
> first REQ packet sent into tomcat.
> > 
> > eg. in plain terms tomcat started responding before
> all fragmented  packets had even arrived at the web
> server !
> Can you post your mod_proxy_ajp configuration? 2ms is a
> very short
> amount of time for the AJP listener to reject a request
> because it is
> incomplete, but I suppose it's possible.
> I see you're running httpd 2.2.3, which is probably a
> package-managed
> version from CentOS. Is that really 2.2.3, or does it have
> some
> additional patches on top of it? I ask because
> mod_proxy_ajp has
> improved considerably since 2.2.3 (the current version is
> 2.2.15).
> Would it be possible for you to test against a more recent
> version, even
> if you can't upgrade in production quite yet? If this is
> not possible,
> how about switching (at least temporarily) to mod_jk,
> compiled yourself?
> It's possible that something in the last (quite a) few
> versions has been
> identified and fixed. Is that's the case, there's no reason
> to chase our
> tails re-identifying a bug that's already been fixed.
> If you have gcc and apxs handy, compiling mod_jk is super
> easy, as is
> installation and configuration.
> - -chris

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