Luís de Sousa wrote:
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 2:18 PM, David Smith <> wrote:
Here's my system's tomcat-user.xml as listed w/ ls -l:

-rw-r-----  1  root  tomcat6  1202  2010-04-22  08:15

As you can see, user and group permissions are set, but the "other"
permissions are all blank.  This is the way it should be since it
contains password information.


That way I can't access the manager pages. Only when I added the read
permissions to all Tomcat was able to validate the password.

What's wrong?

Probably that your Tomcat is not running under a user-id which has read access to that file.
What do you see when running "ps -ef | grep tomcat" ?

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