
I hope this is the correct mailing list for this question. I have a problem setting up the configuration as described in the subject of this mail. I did the following:

- Installed apache2 from the ubuntu repository (synaptic states the version as 2.2.12-1ubuntu2.2) - Installed mod_jk from the ubuntu repository (synaptic states the version as 1:1.2.26-2.1) - Installed tomcat 2.0.26 manually (just unzipped the package from the download area to /opt)

Individually apache and tomcat run fine and both make several web applications (apache: mantis, myphpadmin and wordpress; tomcat: hudson and nexus) available. However now I need to make the tomcat applications available over port 80 so I tried to configure mod_jk but it does not work. I already did this successfully several years ago under Windows but with these Ubuntu packages I am already trying the whole day without any real progress.

Currently the configuration looks like:
- There is a symbolic link to jk.load file in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled with content:
   LoadModule jk_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk.so

- httpd.conf is loaded in apache2.conf (after jk.load) via: "Include /etc/apache2/httpd.conf" and has the following content:
   JkWorkersFile   /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/workers.properties
   JkLogFile       /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log
   JkLogLevel      debug
   JkMount /nexus/* ajp13_worker

- workers.properties is in /etc/libapache2-mod-jk

I checked the connector port in tomcats server.xml. It is the correct one (8009) for ajp13. But I get no access to the nexus application on port 80 (also tried several different URL patterns with JkMount). So I turned on debugging output for the mod_jk.log. There is much output, but I think the relevant error messages are: [Fri Apr 23 15:20:05.210 2010] [23365:3585353520] [debug] jk_translate::mod_jk.c (3038): missing uri map for [Fri Apr 23 15:20:05.210 2010] [23365:3585353520] [debug] jk_map_to_storage::mod_jk.c (3195): missing uri map for There I am at the end of my wits. I have absolutely no idea what these messages mean and Google produces no helpful tipps either. Does anyone on this list have any ideas?


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