On 05/03/2010 02:53 PM, Pid wrote:
> On 03/05/2010 18:30, Mark Shifman wrote:
>> On 05/03/2010 12:48 PM, Pid wrote:
>>> On 03/05/2010 17:15, Mark Shifman wrote:
>>>> I have a web app running under tomcat-6.0.26 with 
>>>> JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener, java jdk1.6.0_18.
>>>> Using jmap -histo pid, I can watch 
>>>> com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl, etc increase in 
>>>> number
>>>> after running my unmarshal action, followed by undeploy and redeploy.  
>>>> Find Leaks in the manager also finds leaks.
> Do you see log messages referring to potential leaks in the catalina.out
> log (assuming you're on a unix variant)?
> If so, can you post them please?

There are no messages in catalia.out concerning leaks (I am using Linux         
I also got rid of timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis in datasource since it causes a 
leaky TimerThread).

> What does the manager 'find leaks' command report exactly?
leak (use a profiler to confirm):

My webapp is named yp_results.
>>> After a few undeploy/redeploy cycles does the number of
>>> WebappClassLoader's also increase?
>> Yes it increases 1 for each undeploy/redeploy cycle.
>> snip... <
>>> Maybe.
>>>> JAXBContext.newInstance() can take a ClassLoader argument.  Is there some 
>>>> ClassLoader I should be using that will get around this?
> OK, so I've looked at JAXBContext (and JAXBContextImpl) and it doesn't
> (after quick read through) look like it's storing the classloader
> argument anywhere during the newInstance call, which is the usual source
> of leaks.
>>> Where is the jar with the above code, in a webapp?
>> The code above in in the war for the web app in a class in 
>> WEB-INF/classes/org/blablabla
>> It is called via a class that looks like this:
>> public class JAXBMascot {
>>      protected static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JAXBMascot.class);
>>      private XMLEventReader reader;
>>      private Unmarshaller u = 
>> JAXBContextMascot.INSTANCE.createUnmarshaller();
> You're setting the XMLEventReader, Unmarshaller & InputStream as
> instance field values, rather than completing the parsing in the
> getInstance() method?
I have really big xmls to unmarshall so I am using streaming them in and 
unmarshalling the elements I want
and then insert into my database. I need the reader to see where I am and then 
the umarshaller

I didn't show the all the methods of JAXBMascot but here is workhorse:
        public <T> T getNextElement(String theElement, String elementAfter, 
Class <T>clazz) {
                String elname = "";
                T h = null;
                try {
                                 elname = 
                                       h= u.unmarshal(reader, clazz).getValue();
                                       return h;
                          } else if(reader.peek().isEndElement()){
                                        elname = 
                                                return h;

                } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
                } catch (JAXBException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
                return h;

It also has a close method to clean up after I have gotten all the elements.
        public void close(){
                try {
                } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
I don't think I am leaving any stuff hanging around but memory leaks are very 
> This looks a bit odd to me, but I don't know what the rest of the
> instance does...
> p
>>      private InputStream jxb_in;
>>      public static JAXBMascot getInstance(InputStream in) {
>>              JAXBMascot m = new JAXBMascot();
>>              try {
>>                      m.setJxb_in(in);
>> m.setReader(XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLEventReader(in));
>>              } catch (Exception e) {
>>                      log.fatal("error getting JAXBMascot instance");
>>                      IOUtils.closeQuietly(in);
>>                      throw new RuntimeException(e);
>>              }
>>              return m;
>>      }
>> ....
>> }
>> This is also in the webapp in WEB-INF/classes/org/blablabla

 Mark Shifman MD. Ph.D.
 Yale Center for Medical Informatics
 Phone (203)737-5219

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