Hi all, 

I'm new to the group and have run across a problem.... Tomcat is now
reseting the JDK logging as part of shutdown.


I found a thread where this is discussed
(http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-user&m=126558503921689&w=2) ...  We just
upgraded out tomcat version and are now running into the same problem.


Is there a solution, other than using the JULI logging ?


I see that in 'Bug 48716
<https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=48716>  - Embedded
Tomcat JULI aggressively resetting default logging configuration' Mark
Thomas says "Fixed in trunk and proposed for 6.0.x. Given the
potentially nasty side-effects in nearly all use cases, it is
deliberately undocumented."
Do you know what the 'undocumented' fix is, and how to use it ? I've
found the code change to implement this
(http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=908754) but at this
point not sure how I should implement this...
We really need this as a workaround until we are able to refactor our
logging to use a class aware logger.
Thanks so much for your help !


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