Dave Filchak wrote:
Due to a hard drive failure, I am needing to move some websites to a machine that has Tomcat already running on it with Apache as the front end. I was unable to get the sites working using the Apache instance that was already there so,
I do this a lot lately, it seems.. (not willingly) but it can be tricky.. Basically these are the areas that need to be configured:

1) Add each IP address to your /etc/hosts file

2) In the httpd.conf, add a Listen for each IP address (you can add the port 80 but that is not necessary.. or so it seems..)

3) If you have virtual hosts defined make sure there is a NameVirtualHost setting for each IP address you use or resolve to.. (otherwise Apache will complain and not start)

I have never found that I needed to do anything on the Tomcat end.. as long as Apache is configured right.
That is the basics..  If you still have problems let me know..

Hope this helps...


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