Hi all,

we have a problem with our tomcat 6.0.20 which throws occasionally the 
following exception:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread
Information about the system:
- Win2003 Server Standard Edition 32 bit
- Apache 2.2.13 with open SSL and mod_jk 1.2.28 for the communication with 
- 2 instances of tomcat 6.0.20 on different ports. No redundancy / clustering. 
Each tomcat serves different webapps.
- JDK 1.6.0_06

Only one tomcat throws the above noted exception.

- Tomcat 1 (with the problem)
   - MaxPermSize=256m
   - JvmMs 128 
   - JvmMx 768
   - maxThreads for HTTP: 450
   - maxThreads for jk: 3000

- Tomcat 2 (no problem yet)
   - MaxPermSize=256m
   - JvmMs 128 
   - JvmMx 512
   - MaxThreads for HTTP: 800
   - MaxThreads for jk: 450

When Tomcat 1 was throwing the exception the server status was showing the 
   - mem Free  116 MB
   - mem Total 242 MB
   - mem Max   739 MB
   - current Thread jk    355
   - busy Thread    jk    333
   - current Thread HTTP  5
   - busy Thread    HTTP  3

   - all connections shown by netstat -an (not filtered): 4595
   - connections in state close_wait: 3152

The tomcat was not totally stuck. Already connected sessions seemed to have no 
problem, but new sessions (new login) threw the exception and did could not be 
created. The Taskmanager shows that all in all 1.39 GB of RAM are used - much 
below the 2GB Limit. 

On the other hand: Shouldn't  windows start to swap if the ram is full?

In which memory-area does windows handle the memory which is used for the 
threads? Is it shown in the taskmanager?

Can the OS take the mem which is still unused by the JVM (memMax-memTotal) for 
handling threads or is it reserved for the JVM after starting tomcat?

Due to problems with one of our webapps which sometimes does not close the 
threads completely (they stuck in close_wait-state) we increased the max 
threads of windows:


maxUserPorts have been set to about 30k if i remember correctly.

Does anyone have an idea to get rid of the exception?

kind regards,
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