In RUNNING.txt it says you can have a single copy of Tomcat binary shared among 
multiple users on the same server by setting the "environment variable" 
$CATALINA_BASE to the directory that contains the files for each personal 
Tomcat instance.

As simple as that reads, I don't understand it.  I don't understand how this is 
different than a virtual host with different appBase's.  Is it saying that 
whoever has a user login on the server can have their own Tomcat playground 
even though there is just one Tomcat installed?

So, if on Windows, you set a User environment variable of CATALINA_BASE to 
something like C:\TomcatDevUser1  ... that's it?
Tomcat figures out the CATALINA_BASE variable depending on who is logged in?
Does C:\TomcatDevUser1 need a ROOT directory for their default webapp?


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