Alan Coyne wrote:
Hi All,
I'm new to TomCat however I have managed to get JDK setup and Tomcat 6 running 
on Linux 64bit server.
I've deployed an app via WAR file and all looks good.

So all that remains for me to do is confirgure a domain name to use the server 
and be able to FTP to the installed app folder.
I've been searching and digging but am a bit lost at this stage. If anyone can 
point me in the right direction it would be great.

Configuring an FTP server under some Linux OS in order to allow the uploading of files to a directory, and doing this securely, is not exactly the purpose of this list.
You would better served asking on the help list of your Linux distribution.

However, if your purpose is to be able to deploy new/updated Tomcat applications from a remote location, and you can load your applications as war-files, then you do not necessarily need FTP, and could do this via the Tomcat Manager application. Under some Linux(es), this may be a separate package to install, e.g. with Debian there are these packages for Tomcat 5.5 :
tomcat5.5 - Servlet and JSP engine
tomcat5.5-admin - Java Servlet engine -- admin & manager web interfaces
tomcat5.5-webapps - Java Servlet engine -- documentation and example web 
where the 2d one would be the one you need.
There must be the same available for Tomcat 6.0.x, but not on my system right 

Here is the documentation :

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