On 30/06/2010 12:22, Chris Rafferty wrote:

This only occurs when I add the following valve to /conf/context.xml

     <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.FormAuthenticator"
characterEncoding="UTF-8" />

Bad idea on a number of levels.

1. That change then applies to *every* context, and will break any that don't use FORM authentication.

2. The Manager app uses BASIC authentication...

If I do not add the valve then Tomcat will not authenticate any attempt to
access the list page with a user name containing non-Latin characters, it
works perfectly if the user name contains only Latin characters.

BASIC auth, browsers and UTF-8 is a combination that I suspect behaves differently from browser to browser.

Your best bet would be to modify the manager app to use FORM auth, making sure your login form correctly supports UTF-8.


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