On 02/07/2010 09:43, Murat Birben wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a very simple file upload mechanism in java. I just take the file and
> save it on the server. I'm testing this simple code with selenium and *when
> a timeout occurs in the selenium test *tomcat creates 0 byte files under
> tomcat_home/work/Catalina/localhost/uploadServlet/ directory as MultiPart*
> files. It creates thousands of files, until there is no disk space left on
> device. What may cause this problem? How can I solve this? Is there anyone
> has an idea about this?

Thousands of 0 byte files are causing the disk to run out of space?


> My environment is: Ubuntu - 8.04 server, apache tomcat - 5.5.29, sun java
> 1.6
> Thanks,
> Here is the code snippet that i use
>         File fFile = null;
>         FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
>         FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
>         try {
>             String strFileName = request.getParameter("FileName");
>             String strPath = request.getParameter("Path");
>             //String strMediaType = request.getParameter("MediaType");
>             //String strDescription = request.getParameter("Description");
>             fFile = (File) request.getAttribute("Content");
>             int index = strPath.length() - 1; //If the user forgets to
> put the last / for the path... We put it for him/her
>             if (strPath.charAt(index) != '/') {
>                 strPath += "/";
>             }
>             if (!new File(strPath).exists()) {
>                 new File(strPath).mkdirs();
>             }
>             File file = new File(strPath + strFileName);
>             fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
>             fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fFile);
>             byte[] bBuf = new byte[1024];
>             int iBufLen = 0;
>             int iReadLen = 1024;
>             int iTotelLen = 0;
>             /*read 1024 bytes at a time*/
>             while ((iBufLen = fileInputStream.read(bBuf)) != -1) {
>                 fileOutputStream.write(bBuf);
>                 fileOutputStream.flush();
>                 iTotelLen += iBufLen;
>                 if (fileInputStream.available() < iReadLen) {
>                     iReadLen = fileInputStream.available();
>                     break;
>                 }
>             }
>             byte[] tempbBuf = new byte[iReadLen];
>             fileInputStream.read(tempbBuf, 0, iReadLen);
>             fileOutputStream.write(tempbBuf);
>         } catch (IOException ex) {
>             ex.printStackTrace();
>         } finally {
>             fileOutputStream.close();
>             fileInputStream.close();
>             if (fFile.exists()) {
>                 fFile.delete();
>             }
>         }

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