Christopher Schultz wrote:
 > Oh, and one more thing: any in-memory solution you come up with (that
is, without writing to a database) is likely to suffer from loss of jobs
in the event of a crash or poorly-coded exception-handling.

This isn't necessarily a case for using a separate process just for
sending emails, but definitely a case for writing your "job" to the
database synchronously during the request so that you're sure it was

Thanks everyone for all your excellent ideas.  I duly read all of them (*grin*).

I'll probably go w/the email queue/database table approach. All the points André and Christopher raised gave me further insight into the robustness of this approach (loose coupling w/the app, no extra lib dependencies, emails not lost if the app goes down, etc.). Also, the email queue table can serve as a nice log of emails processed.

Anyway, you all were super helpful.  Thanks again!

Eric P.

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