I am trying to use a simple EL expression on a JSP ala...


Netbeans reports the following error:



I've confirmed that the el-api-jar that came with Tomcat is in the
Tomcat 6.0.29 lib folder and also in my JDK's jre\lib\ext directory.

I've confirmed that the method ExpressionFactory.newInstance() is not
included in the ExpressionFactory class included with el-api-jar for
this version of Tomcat.


The Tomcat documents indicate that version 6 should reference JSP 2.0
not EL 2.2, but ExpressionFactory.newInstance() is not a valid method in
JSP 2.0 but as far as I can tell it's a recommendation for EL 2.1 and


I am a relatively inexperienced Tomcat user but I've done my best to
research this issue and I hope I didn't mis-diagnose the problem but I'm
nearly certain 6.0.29 is now referencing EL 2.1 and not JSP 2.0 - is
anyone else having the same issue?








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