That's what I can't understand. Should my call to the bean be a valid
non-static code to get that value? I am new to java & javabeans. The
statement you wrote is exactly my statement in the JSP:

> <yourbeanname>.getTempFilePath()
Is the same as:

> RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachmentBean.getTempFilePath()

How else do I make this statement in a non-static way?


On Sep 3, 2010, at 7:13 AM, Pid <> wrote:

> On 03/09/2010 04:49, Ferindo Middleton wrote:
>> I've written a javabean that connects to a database, downloads a file,
>> and one of the getter methods returns the complete file path to the
>> file.
>> The problem I have is: when the JSP runs and gets to the part where it
>> gets the file path to pass to the taglib, I get an error message that
>> is typical of a reference to a nonstatic variable. This concerns me as
>> I thout getter methods in javabeans would inherently returns values
>> that are valid instance variables in a JSP.
>> I will paste my getter method below, the JSP call to that method and
>> the error message below: any guidance is welcome. Thank you:
>> Getter method in jsvabean (javabean compiles fine):
>>                public String getTempFilePath() {
>>                    this.downloadedfilename=
>> tempFilePath;
>>                    return this.downloadedfilename;
>>                  }
>> JSP call to getter method above:
>>        <jsp:useBean id="getFilePath" scope="request"
>>        class="hall.RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachmentBean">
>>   <jsp:setProperty name="getFilePath"
>>      property="fileId"
>>      value="${}" />
>>           <jsp:setProperty name="getFilePath"
>>      property="originalFileName"
>>      value="${all_attachments_for_this_ticket_row.attachment_name}" />
>>        <c:forEach items="${all_attachments_for_this_ticket.rows}"
>> var="all_attachments_for_this_ticket_row">
>>        <%-- /RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachment?attachmentId=${
>> --%>
>>        <mt:attach type="application/octet-stream"
>>        name="${all_attachments_for_this_ticket_row.attachment_name}"
>>        filename="<%=
>> RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachmentBean.getTempFilePath() %>" />
>>        </c:forEach>
>>        </jsp:useBean>
>> ... And the error message:
>> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:
>> An error occurred at line: 97 in the jsp file:
>> /web/radtickets/ticket_email_response/ticket_email_response_dispatcher_page.jsp
>> Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method
>> getTempFilePath() from the type
>> RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachmentBean
>> 94:
>> 95:
>> 96:        <%-- 
>> /RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachment?attachmentId=${}&fileName=${all_attachments_for_this_ticket_row.attachment_name}
>> --%>
>> 97:        <mt:attach type="application/octet-stream"
>> 98:        name="${all_attachments_for_this_ticket_row.attachment_name}"
>> 99:        filename="<%=
>> RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachmentBean.getTempFilePath() %>" />
>> 100:
> So don't make a static reference to the bean:
> RadTicketsFileDownloadForEmailAttachmentBean.getTempFilePath()
> <yourbeanname>.getTempFilePath()
> p
> <0x62590808.asc>

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