jeffo1b wrote:
I've tried following all of the advice in the previous threads, but I'm up
against a wall here.

I have added <Context privileged="true> to my context.xml In the same directory, i have uncommented the SSI Filter as well as the
Filter mapping and the *.shtml mime mapping in web.xml.  see below:


I have not really followed the discussion so far, but something sounds iffy in what you say above : the "in the same directory" part. The "web.xml" and "context.xml" files of a web application should not be in the same directory, as far as I recall.
I believe it is :

Can you re-check exactly what the previous helpers told you, to see if you did not miss something there ?

And/or browse through this page :

(although if your are not an IT guy, I feel that you are not going to enjoy this. But at least it shows the locations of things, which you could compare with yours).

(And $CATALINA_BASE/ means "the top directory of the Tomcat installation").

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