Dear tomcat users,

I would like to configure tomcat5 so that ajp13 which used port 8009
will listen on localhost only.
In the front of tomcat5 is apache 2.2.
Could you please help me how to do that so that output of command
lsof -i | grep java will show me that 8009 will be only localhost and
not openned for all?

system:~ # lsof -i | grep java
java       3245     root   41u  IPv6    13052       TCP *:8819 (LISTEN)
java       3245     root   47u  IPv6    13517       TCP *:8818 (LISTEN)
java       3245     root   69u  IPv6    13581       TCP localhost:8820 (LISTEN)
java       4752   tomcat   66u  IPv6 12088996       TCP *:http-alt (LISTEN)
java       4752   tomcat   68u  IPv6 12089001       TCP *:8009 (LISTEN)
java       4752   tomcat   71u  IPv6 12089004       TCP localhost:8005 (LISTEN)
system:~ #

Thank you in advance
Best Regards / S pozdravem
Petr Hracek

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