
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Christopher Schultz
<> wrote:
> I agree with Mladen: MySQL doesn't actually need root privileges for
> anything at all, so this is a good description of your desires, but not
> a really great example.

Tomcat doesn't root-privileges either in our situation.

We#re not even running on a privileged port (yet).

However, where planning to kick out Apache soon and will be running
our sites on Tomcat only - that's why we're already using jsvc (call
it kond of a test).

Still, our security-guidelines demand that Tomcat can only be started
/ stopped by either a user with root privileges or by a user having
those privileges via the sudo-command.

On the other hand, the devekopers responsible for their application
have to be able to read the logs.

Besides, all logs are owned by tomcat:tomcat (as it should be) - the
only exception is catalina.out.

I guess you agree that this is not what somebody would call
"consistent" behaviour...

> What does "directory is already umasked" mean? AFAIK, you can't umask a
> directory. Do you mean you're using sticky bits?

Sorry, my fault: Our general umask is set to 0022 - still, jsvc give
root-owbership to catalina.out

> Is it possible that if catalina.out already exists and is owned by, say,
> "tomcat", that it's ownership will be retained when jsvc opens it for
> append? If that's the case, you may have simply deleted the file during
> your upgrade and had it re-created by jsvc (owned by root) after the fact.

You picked the right thing here: When catalina.out is owned by
tomcat:tomcat, jsvc opens that file for append and doesn't change the

I wouldn't bet my bottom penny on the possibility that with the
chowned catalina.out manually to tomcat:tomcat, but I'm quite sure
that the ownership was not changed by us before.
Unfortunately, I don't have the time to do a check on that one right now.
> Can you tell us what version of jsvc you were using in the past, and
> what version you're using now?

Before, we've been using an acrhive called "jsvc.tar.gz", browsing the
CHANGES.txt gives

======= [ snip ]=========
Last modified at [$Date: 2005-05-17 10:03:57 +0200 (Tue, 17 May 2005) $]

Changes with 1.0.1
======= [ snap ]=========

Now, we're using an archive called "commons-daemon-native.tar.gz".

Browsing the file "RELEASE_NOTES.txt" gives
======= [ snip ]=========
$Id: RELEASE-NOTES.txt 915160 2010-02-23 03:32:02Z billbarker $

            Commons Daemon Package
               Version 1.0.2
======= [ snap ]=========

Since my workaround seems to be doing what we're expecting, I suggest
we call this case closed.

Thanks for your support!


just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you...
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