amythyst schrieb am 27.12.2010 um 06:52 (-0800):
> Hi, yes we have a connector configured for port 8009.

Configured, okay; but it is not replying to your redirector's requests.
You can test AJP connectivity using this Perl script:

> Question about the firewall... IIS is set up for port 8081 and 443
> for our default website.  The application is running on 8080 and
> 8443. And as I said, tomcat is listening on 8009 to route traffic to
> the application.  In the firewall, I believe the network guy has set
> up port 8081 to allow traffic inside.  Does he also need to do
> something for 8009 or 8080 and 8443?

He needs to allow Tomcat to listen on 8009, and IIS to connect to
tomcat-server:8009. The other two ports your Tomcat is configured to
listen on should be irrelevant as far as the ISAPI redirector is
concerned; it does AJP, not HTTP or HTTPS.

> We are running the app with SSL, so it would be the secure ports I
> should be focusing on right?

Not for the AJP connection between IIS and Tomcat.

> Below are my worker files for the connector:
> # - IIS

> /jira/*=worker1


> # -

> worker.list=worker1

> worker.worker1.type=ajp13
> worker.worker1.port=8009

Also okay. If you don't configure the connection_pool_size, the
default applies, which is 250 for IIS.

How many threads have you configured for your AJP connector?

Michael Ludwig

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