On 20/01/2011 11:50, Ronald Klop wrote:
> Hi,
> In this mail thread there is mention of a memory leak which is fixed in
> Tomcat 7.0.6.
> http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-user&m=129487211630075&w=2
> Is it possible that this leak also exists in 6.0.30 (and not in 6.0.29)?
> We are seeing problems since 6.0.30 with the Nio connector. Just a quick
> question to rule this option out.

Not a chance. I introduced the bug in 7.0.x with some Servlet 3
re-factoring. That re-factoring was not back-ported to 6.0.x.

It is easy to confirm. With the leak, you would see one
Http11NioProcessor object on the heap for every HTTP request made. An
OOME soon followed.


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