On 21 January 2011 11:54, apache tomcat <apache2...@live.it> wrote:

> I'd like to know if there is any patent infringement tied to the product.
> So would everybody!

There's language in the license about patents, but there's nothing to stop a
patent troll popping up and claiming that Tomcat infringes one of their
patents.  Without an exhaustive search of all the patents in force in the
world, along with consideration of how each one might be twisted so that a
troll can claim it affects Tomcat or something on which Tomcat relies,
nobody can be sure that nobody will claim patent infringement at some point.

Can you give us any more information about why you are asking the question?
If it's "because our company policy prevents us from using any software that
might infringe anybody's patents", then you should never use any software.
Or hardware.  Or pretty much anything else, actually.  What risk are you
trying to protect against, and what's your acceptable level of that risk?

- Peter

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