VincentBlouin schrieb am 26.01.2011 um 09:20 (-0800):
> Hi, I had the same problem, then in Eclipse I went to help >> install
> new software >> choose eclipse web tool platform repository -
> from the dropdown
> menu >> then I checked "Project Provided Components" and installed it.
> After that I saw the tomcat servers at the server runtime menu that is
> : ( window >> preferences >> serverĀ >> runtime environment >> Add) 

Thanks. That post of mine must have been sent some time ago, Indeed,
July 15, 2009:

Tomcat Adapter for Eclipse 3.5 Galileo?

I've got it to work since then, apparently the day I posted by
installing from the WTP site, not the release site.

Installing more packages in Eclipse has been the solution for me a
couple of times.

Failed while installing Dynamic Web Module 2.5


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