Hi Martin,

Martin Kuen wrote:
Hi Michael,

did you verify that your flex app is sending something when you hit the
login button? (e.g. using wireshark)
I have not done that as yet, but will give that a try. Thing is, it behaves as intended when called by IP, so I can't see it not sending anything when the page it's embedded in is called by DNS name instead.
As you referring to a "compiled flex application", I am somewhat tempted to
assume that you didn't write it on your own (?)
Our inhouse coders developed it. I had no hand in writing it. It is a compiled app that uses a text config file in /etc to specify the address of the backend Tomcat server.
--> Do you have a flash *debug* player installed? Otherwise, you won't see
any errors, which are thrown by the flash app (and not handled).
No, but I'll give that a try, too. Thanks for the suggestions - will report back my results.



On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Michael Liermann <mich...@imbongi.co.za>wrote:

Hello all,

we have a testing server up that is running CentOS 5.4 32 bit, Java version
1.6.0_20, Apache 2.2.3 and Tomcat 6.0.29. Apache is set up to run two
name-based vhosts, which I'll call system.domain.tld and test.domain.tld for
short. For the test.domain.tld vhost, Apache serves a static HTML page that
contains a link to a compiled Flex application (.swf file). This Flex app
implements a login box and connects to Tomcat on the same server to
authenticate users and provide functionality to the app. For
system.domain.tld, Apache uses mod_jk and JKMount to make available a Java
web app (systemapi) that is used by the Flex app to authenticate.

When I call test.domain.tld via a web browser, Apache logs the request and
serves the SWF file. The SWF displays a login box; when I enter data here
and hit the login button...nothing happens. The Tomcat log file catalina.out
is set to maximum verbosity, and it logs no activity whatsoever.

When I use the IP address for test.domain.tld instead of the FQDN, then I
can log on, Tomcat generates copious entries in catalina.out, and all works
as intended.

I don't think it's my Apache vhost config, since all the parts of the
process that Apache is responsible for function properly in both cases. I've
added Alias directives for both name-based vhosts in the Host section of
Tomcat's server.xml, with no change.

Any ideas? This has me baffled.


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