> The problem he appears to be encountering is that he is unable to customize
> the
> value in v$session.program. The reason for the problem is that he does not
> know
> how to do it either when using the OCI jdbc driver (it is likely not
> possible).


So oci or thin driver is largely irrelevant. For thin you configure the dbcp
connection pool with


or if using oci use


You can use the following in the connectionInitSqls to make sure a suitable
variable it set

exec dbms_application_info.set_action('INSERTING');

The site http://psoug.org/reference/sys_context.html references a bucket
load of different context parameters that can be set - CLIENT_IDENTIFIER and
CLIENT_INFO seem likely candidates. Then each time a connection is added to
the pool, suitable context parameters are set, and you can view them when
querying gv$session.

This seems like a suitable fix for the question originally posed.l I would
like to learn if this won't work, what is wrong with it. Without feedback,
hard to understand what is wrong


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