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> Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 10:49:34 +0100
> Subject: Re: [OT] Tomcat 7: manager application takes forever to deploy - or 
> not
> From:
> To:
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 22:45, Christopher Schultz
> <> wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > I'm interested to see how you are able to launch Tomcat and have your
> > script continue only after all webapps have been deployed.
> >
> This is the code right now:
> ----
> if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then
>         STARTDATE=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)
>         STAMP="=== START $STARTDATE ==="
>         cat >>"$LOGFILE" <<EOF
>         echo -n "Starting Tomcat"
>                 -classpath "$CLASSPATH" $TOMCAT_OPTS \
>                 "$MAIN_CLASS" start >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 &
>         echo $! > $CATALINA_PID
>         MAXITERS=120
>         ITERS=0
>         while true; do
>                 ITERS=$((ITERS+1))
>                 if [ $ITERS -gt $MAXITERS ]; then
>                         echo
>                         echo >&2 "BUG: Tomcat not started after
> $MAXITERS seconds!"
>                         exit 1
>                 fi
>                 perl -ne "print if /^$STAMP$/ .. eof()" "$LOGFILE" | \
>                         egrep -q "^INFO: Server startup in [0-9]+ ms$"
>                 RC=$?
>                 if [ "$RC" = "0" ]; then
>                         break
>                 fi
>                 echo -n .
>                 sleep 1
>         done
>         echo " Done (in $ITERS seconds)"
> [...]
> ----
> It is with this script that I noticed the long deploying time of
> /manager. This is the only way I knew of until yesterday, when I
> noticed that the shutdown port only gets open after webapps are
> deployed. I'll switch to this technique (using netstat -ltn|grep -w
> $SHUTDOWN_PORT or something like that) since it is more reliable (and
> faster) than scanning the log file: the server startup message may
> change behind me... Ideally, of course, it'd be very nice if the
> BootStrap class had, said, a "fullstart" command: I wouldn't need any
> of these ;)
> Ultimately, what I really want to do anyway is a startup sequence
> which starts Tomcat up only with the manager app, 

MG>A default Tomcat installation includes the manager. To add an instance of the
MG>Manager web application Context to a new host install the
MG>manager.xml context configuration file in the
MG>$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname] folder. Here is an example:
<Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged="true"
and which deploys
> webapps the list of which I store in another place. The deploy command
> only returns after the app is fully deployed, which is good (and so
> does the undeploy command).

MG>tomcat-maven-plugin supports the following configuration attributes
MG>configurable war file folder called  warSourceDirectory
MG>configurable location for context.xml called contextFile
MG> running embedded tomcat from maven with command 
MG>mvn tomcat:run

> >> Third, what if you want to do SNMP monitoring
> >> ( etc etc)? You can't with the
> >> bundled scripts. Why? If you set JAVA_OPTS appropriately, these
> >> JAVA_OPTS will also be used for shutdown... Which means you can't
> >> shutdown at all: EADDRINUSE. Unless you arrange for different
> >> JAVA_OPTS on startup and shutdown, which I don't need to do with my
> >> scripts.
> >
> > As Chuck suggests, you haven't read the documentation well enough
> > because has options to cover your situation described above.
> >
> Indeed.
> -- 
> Francis Galiegue
> Ingénieur système
> Mob : +33 (0) 683 877 875
> Tel : +33 (0) 178 945 552
> 40 avenue Raymond Poincaré
> 75116 Paris
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