Andre, I'll get HttpFox and Fidler2.  Is there one for Chrome or Safari?  I'll 
come back when I get some info from them.


From: André Warnier <>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2011 3:20 AM
Subject: Re: IE & Firefox work fine, Mac, Google and Safari don't authenticate


Not knowing the exact layout of your pages, and not knowing exactly what you 
have in mind about what /should/ happen, makes this a bit of a guesswork.
In the log, there are a number of URLs being accessed ( 
/catalog/dealerwelcome.jsp, /catalog/authControl.jsp, 
/catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp, etc..) but it is not clear to people reading 
your messages to the list, what these correspond to in terms of logic of the 

It would help if you described what the sequence is or should be, from the 
point of view of the user accessing your site, and/or from the point of the 
view of the pages they should access in what order.

For example, your <security-constraint> sections below :
- one of them relates to an area of your web space under 
"<url-pattern>/joeparts/admin/*</url-pattern>", which seems to have nothing to 
do with the logfile, and confuses things.
- the other refers to "<url-pattern>/catalog/dealer/*</url-pattern>", but 
according to the log, there is a "dealerwelcome.jsp" page in both the top 
"/catalog" directory and in the "/catalog/dealer" directory, and between the 
accesses to these two, there is an intermediate POST to something called 
"/catalog/authControl.jsp".  What is that ?  What is it supposed to do ?

I get the feeling that there is something fundamentally flawed in the way you 
are trying to do this authentication, and that the fact that it works in some 
cases may just be due to the different way that browsers react to edge cases.

Also, with the logs we only see one side of things : the requests received by 
the server, and the status code of the answer.  Contrary to you, we do not see 
what the browser is actually sending or receiving. Try to help us a bit here.

There exist useful plugins for browsers, which allow to see the detail of the 
browser/server conversation.  For Firefox, try HttpFox for example, and for IE 
try Fiddler2. You will easily locate them with Google.  They are invaluable 
when trying to debug such issues.

Dick Eastlake wrote:
> Here's an access log from a successful login using Firefox.  Note the post 
> toj_security_check returns a 302 and the id of the authenticated user shows 
> in the returned request for a page located in the secured portion of the site.
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:44:31 -0700] "GET 
> /catalog/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1870
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:44:40 -0700] "POST 
> /catalog/authControl.jsp HTTP/1.1" 302 -
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:44:40 -0700] "GET 
> /catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1910
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:44:44 -0700] "POST 
> /catalog/dealer/j_security_check HTTP/1.1" 302 -
> - [05/Apr/2011:22:44:44 
> -0700] "GET /catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 2391
> Here's a failed attempt (phony id/password) using IENote the post to 
> j_security_check returns a 200 and there is no returned request.
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:52:46 -0700] "GET 
> /catalog/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1870
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:53:05 -0700] "POST /catalog/authControl.jsp 
> HTTP/1.1" 302 -
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:53:05 -0700] "GET 
> /catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1897
> - - [05/Apr/2011:22:53:12 -0700] "POST 
> /catalog/dealer/j_security_check HTTP/1.1" 200 676
> The above examples show correct results using IE and Firefox.
> Here's an access log from an unsuccessful login using Chrome.  Note the post 
> to j_security_check returns a 200 even though the id/password entered was a 
> valid one. - - [05/Apr/2011:23:35:58 -0700] "GET 
> /catalog/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1870
> - - [05/Apr/2011:23:36:06 -0700] "POST /catalog/authControl.jsp 
> HTTP/1.1" 302 -
> - - [05/Apr/2011:23:36:06 -0700] "GET 
> /catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1893
> - - [05/Apr/2011:23:36:09 -0700] "POST 
> /catalog/dealer/j_security_check HTTP/1.1" 200 676
>  Again, IE & Firefox work fine, Mac, Google and Safari don't.
>   Thanks for your help,
>  Dick
> ________________________________
> From: André Warnier <>
> To: Tomcat Users List <>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 6:43 PM
> Subject: Re: IE & Firefox work fine, Mac, Google and Safari don't authenticate
> Hi.
> Since I doubt that many people here really feel like going through a bunch of 
> lines of badly-formatted configuration, code and logs to figure out exactly 
> what is wrong, I suggest that you search Google for
> "tomcat form based authentication example" and use one of the numerous ones 
> there as a reference.
> There is something bizarre in your explanation and data however :
> You say that the first part of the log is with Firefox, which works fine.
> However, that part contains this line :
>> - [27/Mar/2011:15:34:30 -0700] "GET 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 500 2158
> which shows a status code 500 (= "server error") returned by the server, 
> while the part supposedly not working shows no such error.
> Another bizarre part is this : the JSP document that you show, appears to be 
> the login page, and it contains a <form> line like this :
>>          <form method="POST" action="<%= 
>>response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>">
> Yet, looking at the log, it does not seem that there is ever a POST to that 
> URL.
> It would look like there is some confusion about the basic way in which form 
> authentication is supposed to work.  That's also why your best bet may be to 
> re-read the on-line documentation, and try first with one of the examples you 
> will find in Google.
> Dick Eastlake wrote:
>> Users can authenticate to the secured area of my Website using IE and 
>> Firefox; no problem.  However,Macs, Google and Safari browsers cannot log in.
>> Macs, Google and Safari browsers go straight to the form-error-page 
>> "not_auth.html".
>> Please help!
>> I'm using a simple form-based authentication method.
>> Here's my WEB.XML (from inside the webapp, not the conf):
>> <web-app xmlns="";
>>      xmlns:xsi="";
>>      xsi:schemaLocation="
>>      version="2.4">
>> <display-name>Progressive Commerce Inc</display-name>
>> <description>
>>      Progressive Website
>> </description>
>> <security-constraint>
>>      <display-name>Progressive Security
>>   Constraint</display-name>
>>      <web-resource-collection>
>>          <web-resource-name>Dealer Area</web-resource-name>
>>          <url-pattern>/catalog/dealer/*</url-pattern>
>>      </web-resource-collection>
>>      <auth-constraint>
>>          <role-name>dealer</role-name>
>>      </auth-constraint>
>> </security-constraint>
>> <security-role>
>>      <role-name>dealer</role-name>
>> </security-role>
>> <security-constraint>
>>      <display-name>Joe Parts Security Constraint</display-name>
>>      <web-resource-collection>
>>          <web-resource-name>Joe Parts
>>   Area</web-resource-name>
>>          <url-pattern>/joeparts/admin/*</url-pattern>
>>      </web-resource-collection>
>>      <auth-constraint>
>>          <role-name>joe</role-name>
>>      </auth-constraint>
>> </security-constraint>
>> <security-role>
>>      <role-name>joe</role-name>
>> </security-role>
>>   <login-config>
>>      <auth-method>FORM</auth-method>
>>      <realm-name>Progressive Form-Based Authentication Area</realm-name>
>>      <form-login-config>
>>          <form-login-page>/catalog/dealer_door.jsp</form-login-page>
>>          <form-error-page>/not_auth.html</form-error-page>
>>      </form-login-config>
>> </login-config>
>> <resource-ref>
>>        <description>
>>          jdbc/progressive
>>        </description>
>>        <res-ref-name>
>>          jdbc/progressive
>>        </res-ref-name>
>>        <res-type>
>>          javax.sql.DataSource
>>        </res-type>
>>        <res-auth>
>>          Container
>>        </res-auth>
>>        <res-sharing-scope>
>>          Shareable
>>        </res-sharing-scope>
>> </resource-ref>
>> <welcome-file-list>
>>      <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
>> </welcome-file-list>
>>      </web-app>
>> Here's the code from my jsp
>>       <jsp:useBean id="dlb" scope="session" 
>>      <body bgcolor="#222324" text="#000000">
>>          <form method="POST" action="<%= 
>>response.encodeURL("j_security_check") %>">
>>              <p>&nbsp;</p>
>>              <div align="center"> </div>
>>              <table width="431" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
>>                <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
>>                    <td>
>>                  </td>
>>                  <td>
>>                      <table>
>>                      <tr>
>>                          <td width="160"><font color="009999"><b><font 
>>face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Email    Address:</font></b></font></td>
>>                          <td width="147">
>>                                <input tabindex="1" type="text" 
>>name="j_username" value="
>> <%
>>                    out.print(dlb.getEmail() + "\"");
>> %>
>>                    >      </td>
>>                          <td width="49">&nbsp;</td>
>>                        </tr>
>>                        <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">                                
>>        <td width="160" height="20"><font color="009999"><b><font face="Arial,
>>   Helvetica, sans-serif">Password:</font></b></font></td>
>>                          <td width="147" height="20">
>>                            <input tabindex="2" type="password" 
>>                          </td>
>>                        </tr>
>>                        <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
>>                          <td width="37">&nbsp;</td>
>>                          <td width="38">&nbsp;</td>
>>                          <td width="160"></td>
>>                          <td width="147">
>>                                <div align="center">
>>                                  <input tabindex="3" type="submit" 
>>value="Log In">
>>                                </div>
>>                          </td>
>>                          <td width="49">&nbsp;</td>
>>                        </tr>
>>                  </table>
>>              </table>
>>          </form>
>>      </body>
>> Here's the access log  the entries at 15;34 are using Firefox,  the ones at 
>> 15:42 are Google's browser
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:34:16 -0700] "GET 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1870
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:34:27 -0700] "POST 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/authControl.jsp HTTP/1.1" 302 -
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:34:27 -0700] "GET 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp
>>   HTTP/1.1" 200 1893
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:34:30 -0700] "POST 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealer/j_security_check HTTP/1.1" 302 -
>> - [27/Mar/2011:15:34:30 -0700] "GET 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 500 2158
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:42:14 -0700] "GET 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1870
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:42:20 -0700] "POST 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/authControl.jsp HTTP/1.1" 302 -
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:42:20 -0700] "GET 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealer/dealerwelcome.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 1893
>> - - [27/Mar/2011:15:42:23 -0700] "POST 
>> /Dynacorn/catalog/dealer/j_security_check HTTP/1.1" 200 676
>> there are no more entries
>> Again, IE & Firefox work fine, Mac, Google and Safari don't.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Dick
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