Stefan Wuschek <> wrote:

> Hello,
>i am using tomcat 6.0.32 in combination with the eclipse plattform
>I tried to write a very simple bean just for getting familiar with it.
>It is
>a simple form [form.jsp] that asks for mail adress and by clicking the
>button it calls a jsp [result.jsp] and initiates a session bean
>The result.jsp prints : null null de.test.formpara . There is no
>message in
>the Log nor do I see any problems. The Bean class can be resolved
>Anybody who knows how to fix or find the mistake i probably made ?
>form.jsp - code:
>jsp:useBean id=*"formpara"* class=*"de.test.formpara"*
>jsp:setProperty property=*"*"* name=*"formpara"*></jsp:setProperty>
>page language=*"java"* contentType=*"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"*
>DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "
>meta http-equiv=*"Content-Type"* content=*"text/html;
>title>Insert title here</title>
><FORM METHOD=*POST* ACTION=*"result.jsp"*>
><input type=*"text"* name=*"mail"*>
><input type=*"submit"* name=*"command"* value=*"CMD"*>
>result.jsp - code:
>jsp:useBean id=*"formpara"* class=*"de.test.formpara"*
>page language=*"java"* contentType=*"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"*
>DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "
>meta http-equiv=*"Content-Type"* content=*"text/html;
>title>Insert title here</title>
><%= formpara.getMail() %>
><%= formpara.getCommand() %>
><%= formpara.getClass() %>
> - code:
>**class* formpara {
>*public* *void* setMail( String value )
>mail = value;
>*public* *void* setCommand( String value )
>command = value;
>*public* String getMail() { *return* mail; }
>*public* String getCommand() { *return* command; }

Shouldn't the useBean and setProperty be in result.jsp rather than form.jsp?


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