On 4/19/11 12:20 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> Hi.
> I will let someone else comment on your code.

I can say that doesn't look like i'd expect it to, per the example code
from the Commons HTTP 3.x or HTTP Client 4.x versions.

> (But remember, this is a help forum for Tomcat, which is the server
> side.  It is not really a forum to help people write Java HTTP cients).
> It looks like this is your first try at sending a file to a server.
> So let me recommend something :
> I would start by creating a simple HTML form with an <input type="file"
> ..>, and then make sure that it works using the form.
> (Because, to upload a file, you also need to have some special code on
> the server to receive it, and you had better make sure that that side is
> working first).


> You can find an example here :
> http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/api/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/fileupload/package-summary.html
> and maybe someone else can suggest more examples somewhere.



> Then, once it is working with the form, attack the client side.
> If you search a bit on Google, you will find several examples of how to
> do this right.
> No need to re-invent the wheel.
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