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On 5/13/2011 10:36 AM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
> "
> This attribute provides a list of external locations from which to
> load resources for this context. The list of aliases should be of the
> form "/aliasPath1=docBase1,/aliasPath2=docBase2" where aliasPathN
> must include a leading '/' and docBaseN must be an absolute path to
> either a .war file or a directory.
> A resource will be searched for in the first docBaseN for which
> aliasPathN is a leading path segment of the resource. If there is no
> such alias, then the resource will be searched in the usual way.
> "
> If you set each /aliasPath to the same .war file or directory, this
> may achieve your goal.

A dirty little trick that might actually work.


I would expect that the /aliasPathN would be rooted in the webapp's
context path URI space, so if you had a webapp deployed as, say "/foo"
and then aliased "/bar" to foo.war, you'd end up with the /foo webapp
being available on both /foo and /foo/bar.

This feature was designed to allow URI spaces to be mapped to a physical
directory outside of the deployed webapp, say, for static content stored
elsewhere. That's why I suspect that the context path will be required.

Now, one might still be able to use this technique if you deploy to ROOT
and alias /both/ URI prefixes you want to use, like this:

path="ROOT" aliases="/foo=path/to/war, /bar=path/to/war"

In this case, the webapp is available on all of these virtual context paths:


I would also suspect that request.getContextPath would return "" in all

It may be better for the OP to just use UrlRewrite.

- -chris
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