Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 5/24/2011 10:56 AM, Marc Boorshtein wrote:
I've setup a pretty generic httpd(2.2.19)+mod_jk to tomcat 6 on Oracle
Linux 5 (CentOS 5 equiv) with SSL setup.  With JkExtractSSL and the
correct SSLOptions in the httpd configuration files.  I can see the
SSL environment variables in /cgi-bin/printenv but no headers or
environment variables in the backend tomcat app.  Am I missing

Something just tickled my brain, here: you said "environment variables
or headers". The data stored in environment variables on the Apache
httpd side are neither stored in environment variables (since the
environment is shared, and a multi-threaded server would never work) nor
in request headers (because that's not really appropriate).

Instead, they are stored in the request /attributes/.

Unfortunately, the mod_jk documentation doesn't make that clear. I'll
try to find a reference, even if it's only in the source code.

Checkup JkEnvVar.
Funny, that..

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