On 02/06/2011 21:45, Kevin Claver wrote:
> Two things I would like to note:
> 1.  When I invoke the Java HMAExceptionHandlerServlet configured to be used 
> in the error-page block in the application specific web.xml directly from the 
> URL in the browser, it works.
> 2.  Tomcat 5.5.33 does correctly redirect to the error-page when running on a 
> Windows 7 machine.  The only time I have an issue is on the Linux 
> configuration above.

The first things I'd check is whether there's something different about
your Tomcat installation on Linux.

You can ZIP the whole Tomcat install (including the app(s), if they're
in tomcat/webapps) and transfer the file & unzip on your Linux install.
 Start it up & see if the same thing happens.

Also: what error do you see, when the custom error servlet/page fails to
display?  Is it the same error as you expect or a different one?

- if an NPE occurs in your app, do you see a 500 + NPE stacktrace?
- or if a 500 occurs, do you see a 404?


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