On 07/07/2011 14:54, Langer Arnaud wrote:
> Hi there,
> My question is simple : is it possible to disable the cache of Tomcat ?
> I think I've browsed the entire web about that without finding my answer.
> As I'm developping a website under Eclipse, I would like to see modifications 
> as they are developped but here, when I change an image, for example, it's 
> always given from the Tomcat's cache : I can see, in the Console of Tomcat, 
> for each page I request, about 20 messages like this one :
> {date and hour} DEBUG [http-8080-1] lutece.cache - URI served from cache : 
> /PSP/images/logo.png

What is 'lutece.cache'?  That's not a log message Tomcat would output.

> If I modifiy the logo.png, I can't see the new one in my browser, even if I 
> stop and restart Tomcat, even if I disable my browser's cache...

Are you sure that the file is actually being updated?

If you're stopping and starting Tomcat then you are terminating the
cache (which is in-memory), so it will pick up the new version.

Assuming you're using Tomcat's cache and not a third party one.


> I'm using Tomcat 6.0.26 on Windows XP SP3.
> Thanks by advance for any way of answer.
> Arnaud LANGER
> Division Secteur Public
> Sopra group.
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> www.sopragroup.com<http://www.sopragroup.com>
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