On 10/08/2011 19:55, Jonathan Rosenberg wrote:
> Quick answer: I want to have my Grails app determine at runtime which
> version it was deployed as (bad English, I know).
> Longer answer:
> I want to use parallel deployment as an easy way to allow existing
> sessions to continue while redirecting new sessions to a "down for
> temp maintenance page."

Why not just upload a new .war (with the newest version) which only
displays that page?

> My thought was to
> 1) Have app check context version before each controller action.  If
> version is '~~~' (late in sorting order), redirect user to maintenance
> page.

The app will only see it's own version, how can it compare its own
version to other versions of the app?

> 2) Deploy app with version '~~~'.  Normal condition, app is stopped.
> Now all I have to do is start this context whenever I want to
> accomplish temp outage.

See my first above.


> --
> Jonathan Rosenberg
> Founder & Executive Director
> Tabby's Place, a Cat Sanctuary
> http://www.tabbysplace.org/
> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 2:48 PM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On 10/08/2011 19:41, Jonathan Rosenberg wrote:
>>> Looking at some of my session ids & doing some searching online did
>>> not turn up any useful info on format of session id (& where context
>>> version is).
>>> Can you point me at something?
>> Sorry, my bad - that was an earlier version of the code that did that.
>> Let me ask a different question, what problem are you trying to solve?
>> Mark
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