The file /etc/security/limits.d is empty.  What would be an example of 
something you would expect to see in there that would relate to changing the 

From: Francis GALIEGUE []
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 10:24 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Too many open files error

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 17:21, Campbell, Lance <> wrote:
> Tomcat 6.0.32
> Java 1.6.27
> Apache 2.0
> RedHat 6.x 64 bit
> /proc/sys/fs/file-max = 3233344
> We experienced an issue where we were getting the error "too many open files" 
> in tomcat.  The server manager increase the amount of open files to the 
> above.  But the error kept coming back even after rebooting the server.  Is 
> there a max number of connections that tomcat should run within based on the 
> above specs?
> The servlet in question that was being hit returned an XML document after 
> doing a series of database queries.

file-max is not what you want to modify. It's the user's limit: RMILIT_NFILE.

Look in /etc/security/limits.d. You'll need to restart Tomcat.

Francis Galiegue
Ingénieur système
Mob : +33 (0) 683 877 875
Tel : +33 (0) 178 945 552
40 avenue Raymond Poincaré
75116 Paris

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