Francis GALIEGUE wrote:
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 17:28, André Warnier <> wrote:
Francis GALIEGUE wrote:
   <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
Maybe try to modify that regexp somewhat, like to
just in case the regexp library version changed, and it now interprets the
original expression slightly differently ?

Nope... I also tried 127\.0\.0\.1 alone and no dice.

I'll try your two other suggestions but if any works, it means the
regex engine used is seriously buggy!

Could it also be that previously, Tomcat saw an IPv4 address and it worked,
but now it sees an IPv6 address and the "::1" part in fact never worked, but
was never used before ?

The machine has IPv4 only. I just put in the ::1 in prevision of a not
so distant future...

But maybe it is some other part of the configuration (server.xml?
default context.xml?) which needs to be changed?

Not that I know of. As far as I know, the <Valve> element can be placed inside of the Manager's context.xml, and should then affect only the Manager app.
And it worked before, didn't it ?

Plus, you say that you are getting a 403 error. If the <Valve> was being ignored, I believe you would not get that error. So it looks like the Valve gets triggered, but it finds a Remote address other than

Now sorry to ask, but you /are/ connecting to Tomcat from the same host as the Tomcat host, are you ? without any front-end in front of Tomcat ?

Also, isn't there anything in the logs ?

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