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On 10/13/2011 2:11 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Alejandro Soto [mailto:smalejan...@gmail.com] Subject: Re:
>> filters on j_security_check
>> what i need is to know if the authentication was successful or
>> not
> What are you going to do with said information?
>> I just need to know that status and has to be before the
>> authentication mechanism continues.
> Why?  It seems like you might actually need to write a custom
> <Realm>, not a filter.

Checking for authentication pass/fail can be done in a Realm, but you
can't really do anything with the information other than write it to
the database. And all you have is username/password (or other
credential-only information) to log.

This is one of the reasons I switched to SecurityFilter: there is a
FlexibleRealmInterface that passes-in the HttpServletRequest that was
used to attempt authentication. That allows you to get nice things
like the ip address of the request for logging.

>> I am trying to invoke j_security_check from inside another
>> servlet.
> That sounds really, really wrong.

Yes. Yes, it does.

If you (Alejandro) want to trigger authentication manually, servlet
3.0 has added the HttpServletRequest.authenticate method to allow you
to do this yourself.

- -chris
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