I've been running Tomcat 6.0.18 for a long time, and am now trying to upgrade to 7.0.22 (64 bit .zip download).

I can start Tomcat 7 with startup.bat and it's working fine.

The script to install it as a service worked without complaint, and the service is there.

However when I try to start it I get "Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly".

commons-daemon.2011-10-14.log says: [error] FindClass org/apache/catalina/startup/Bootstrap failed

I'm using Java 7 JDK (1.7.0, 64 bit), JAVA_HOME points to the JDK installation, and Java's "bin" is in my system path, on my Windows 7 machine.

I'm using the setenv.bat in tomcat\bin that I copied from my Tomcat 6 installation, which explicitly sets JAVA_HOME (which technically may not be necessary since I have JAVA_HOME env var set to the same value, but I need to have the option to support more that one JVM on my development box). I've added a debug statement in setenv.bat that echoes something to a file. When I run startup.bat, I get the echoed output. When I try to start the service, I do not.



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