On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 07:33:28AM -0700, Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 1:52 AM, ettoregia <ettore...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > My system: Linux, the version I'don't know how to realize, since I've got
> > just an ssh connection and typing some command I've not been able to
> > discover it, maybe you can help me out on this as well.
> `cat /proc/version` should give you something useful.

'uname -a' is another possibility.

> > Alright, I need to deploy .war file under tomcat that actually has 4 engines
> > (5.5, 6.0.16, 6.0.18, 7.0), and as I'm used to, I would put under
> > /conf/Catalina/localhost, of the engine 6.0.18, a file called
> > <myAppName>.xml to specify the context path of my webApp then I would modify
> > the server.xml to specify the jdbc connection and the like. As I've no
> > rights to modify anything under the tomcat's home the IT guy told me to use
> > the folder init.d/<myAppName> in order to use any script at boot time to
> > accomplish the configuration above.
> Huh? Your app's context path should be taken from the name of the
> WAR file,

No, his method (conf/Catalina/[engineName]/${contextName}.xml is the
one I use all the time.  It works well, and I can install the app
wherever I like, and don't have to reinstall the whole thing every
time I need to tweak a context parameter.

> and the JDBC config should be contained in the WAR file
> in a META-INF/context.xml file.

or ${contextName}.xml where, again, it's much more accessible for
tweaking.  Either one is better than hacking server.xml, though,
unless the data source is meant to be used by every app.

> Nothing else required. Other than an better IT department. :-)

This I can agree with.  They don't allow application managers access
to Tomcat's config., but anyone can drop stuff into /etc/init.d,
whence it will run as root?  Really?  Something is not right here.

That init script would need to start Yet Another Tomcat Instance.  Is
that what IT wants?  That has implications for memory demand, port and
address space, and linking among app.s.  Maybe the IT guy understands
how Tomcat works, but I think I would explore the possibility that he

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Asking whether markets are efficient is like asking whether people are smart.

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