Mark Eggers wrote:
----- Original Message -----

From: André Warnier <>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Cc: Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: URI mapping

Let's restart from the beginning.

You have, say, 3 Tomcat servers running, and for the sake of the example let's say that these are
- a Tomcat 5.x server
- a Tomcat 6.x server
- a Tomcat 7.x server

You want to run the same applications on all of them (with identical names on each server), because for instance these are test servers serving to verify that a given application runs fine under each of these Tomcat versions.

You want to be able to choose which Tomcat server you are accessing, by means of some URI prefix.
Example :
a request with URI "http://myhost/tomcat7/webapp1"; should be forwarded to webapp1 on Tomcat7, while a request with URI "http://myhost/tomcat5/webapp1"; should be forwarded to Tomcat5.

Of course, once "inside" the respective Tomcat, you want this prefix to have been removed, so that the applications inside this Tomcat look similar to the same ones in other Tomcats, name-wise.
Example :
a request with URI "http://myhost/tomcat7/webapp1"; should be forwarded to webapp1 on Tomcat7, whith a request URI of "/webapp1" (and not "/tomcat7/webapp1").

For this, you set up a front-end proxy Apache httpd, which should forward the requests to individual Tomcats in function of the URI prefix, and strip this prefix while doing so.

Preferably, you would like to do the proxying via mod_jk.

That is a problem, because the standard proxying instructions of mod_jk (JkMount e.g.), do not provide a syntax for forwarding URI's, and modifying these URIs at the same time.

That is why Mark originally oriented you to mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp, which can do that, for example as :

ProxyPass /tomcat7 ajp://tomcat7-host:8017
ProxyPass /tomcat6 ajp://tomcat6-host:8016
ProxyPass /tomcat5 ajp://tomcat7-host:8015
(and have each Tomcat listen on the apropriate port with its AJP Connector)

Using the above, a request with URI "http://myhost/tomcat7/webapp1"; will be forwarded to the tomcat7 server with a URI of "/webapp1", while a request with URI "http://myhost/tomcat5/webapp1"; will be forwarded to the tomcat5 server with a URI (also) of "/webapp1".

As far as I understand, this is what you want to achieve (although it is not via mod_jk, but via mod_proxy_ajp instead).

Mark however pointed out the drawbacks of modifying the URI : when one of these applications generates a self-referencing URI, it will not by default re-insert the stripped host prefix. For example, if application "/webapp1" on tomcat7 creates a page with a link to itself like href="/webapp1/something", it will not magically know to make this into href="/tomcat7/webapp1/something". And when this link is clicked in the browser, it will generate a request to "http://myhost/webapp1/something";, and the above Proxy instructions in the front-end won't know what to do with it and will ignore it.

And the same happens with redirects etc..
You can overcome this, but it is likely in the end to create more hassle than you really want.

On the other hand, if you do /not/ modify the URI while proxying the call, then you end up with a much less easy configuration on the side of the Tomcats, as you have seen before.

So maybe let's look at another kind of solution, involving DNS and VirtualHosts.

Would a solution whereby you access the different Tomcats as follows be acceptable ? - is forwarded to tomcat7's webapp1 - is forwarded to tomcat6's webapp1 - is forwarded to tomcat5's webapp1

If yes, then do as outlined below.

For a start, I suppose that you want to have an Apache httpd front-end, and that the Apache httpd and all tomcats, all run on the same physical host.

Step 1 :
Suppose that the front-end Apache httpd host is currently known via DNS as "".
Define 3 additional DNS aliases for it :

Step 2 :
define 3 new VirtualHost's in the Apache httpd front-end, one each with
- ServerName
- ServerName
- ServerName

(I assume that you know how to do that)

Step 3 :
In each of these VirtualHost configurations, add the following lines :
- in the "" host, add
   ProxyPass / ajp://
   ProxyPassReverse / ajp://
(and similarly for the other VirtualHost's)

Step 4 :
make each of your Tomcats listen on the corresponding AJP port :
- tomcat7 listens on port 8017
- tomcat6 listens on port 8016
- tomcat5 listens on port 8015
(in their respective AJP Connector)

The advantage of this is that you are no longer modifying the request URI's, with all the complications that this brings. All you are doing is modifying the hostname:port part, and that only requires a ProxyPassReverse directive in the httpd front-end, to rewrite possible redirect headers generated by the Tomcats. Also this way, self-referencing URIs generated by the Tomcats will also work, without applications modifications.
Cookies may still require help, check the http config help for that.


Your suggestion is how I set up multiple Tomcats (CATALINA_HOME / 
CATALINA_BASE) and virtual hosts within those Tomcats. I map each of the Tomcat 
virtual hosts to separate named virtual hosts on Apache HTTPD.

I use mod_jk, and each virtual host gets its own file. 
That way I can add and delete Tomcat applications on the fly for each Apache 
HTTPD virtual host that's mapped to the appropriate Tomcat virtual host.

Each Apache HTTPD named virtual host forwarded to a single Tomcat uses the same 
mod_jk <Connector> (although I could add multiple connectors in server.xml).

Yes, there are a number of variations to the scheme, depending on whether httpd and the various Tomcats are or not running inside the same host, or whether you want to have several virtual hosts in Tomcat. In this case though, it seemed that the original question mentioned different /versions/ of Tomcat, which you cannot really do with virtual hosts or with several instances of Tomcat running from the same CATALINA_HOME. If each Tomcat runs on a separate physical host (or if you have a host with several IP addresses, you can have them all using the same AJP port.

Each Tomcat virtual host mapped to an Apache HTTPD named virtual host gets its own 
manager application. The access is controlled in part by directives in an Apache 
HTTPD <Location> block. I suppose I could add another Realm for each Tomcat 
virtual host to control that host's manager application as well.

I've tested this set up with simple applications and it seems to work fine. I 
only have two real issues. One, I don't know any way to combine dynamic Apache 
HTTPD virtual hosts with mod_jk and JkMount directives. Two, jk-status and 
jk-manager refer to all mod_jk connections on a particular Apache HTTPD server.

Neither of these are show-stoppers.

My question in all of this is about cookies. I gather what you're saying is 
that if a person accesses the following:

http://some-host/app (receives cookie)

Then that cookie could be used in accessing

http://other-host/app (uses cookie)

The issue about the cookies is that each Tomcat will issue its cookies with its own hostname (whatever /it/ thinks that is), and unless you do something, that's how they will be sent to the browser. You may have to tell the proxying httpd that it also needs to rewrite this hostname in the cookies returned by Tomcat, to be the name of the corresponding httpd VirtualHost. Otherwise the browser may not re-send the cookie when it should. You should not have that issue when, in Tomcat, you use the same hostname as the corresponding httpd VirtualHost; but you may have it in other cases.
I may be getting myself a bit confused here, but I think that this could happen.
Anyway, there is the ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain to fix this.

if named virtual hosts are used for some-host and other-host (mapping them to 
the same IP address and port).

Is this correct?

If so, I need to investigate how to manage this with Apache HTTPD. I suppose 
it's also very unlikely (but possible) to get matching session ids from 
independent Tomcats running in this environment?

If you have any pointers to the Apache HTTPD documentation concerning this, I 
would appreciate it (I know, off-topic).

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