2011/11/2 André Warnier <a...@ice-sa.com>

> Casper Wandahl Schmidt wrote:
>> Den 02-11-2011 10:17, André Warnier skrev:
>>> Pid * wrote:
>>>> On 31 Oct 2011, at 18:25, Christopher Schultz
>>>> <ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>> Richardo,
>>>>> On 10/31/2011 12:33 PM, Ricardo Bayley wrote:
>>>>>> You are right. What I intend to do is prevent hot linking.
>>>>> We get what you are trying to do: you'll just have to write your own
>>>>> code to do it. Tomcat ships with a Filter called RequestFilter that
>>>>> you can subclass if you need that kind of flexibility. If you don't
>>>>> need such flexibility, just write it yourself: it's pretty much a
>>>>> one-liner.
>>>> It'll still be fragile and open to exploitation. An AJAX call can set
>>>> any request headers it likes. You be better off using authentication
>>>> if you want anything more than a casual defence.
>>>> p
>>>>  My webapp, is working as a REST webservice.
>>>>>> So I would like to have tomcat reply only when requests come from
>>>>>> specific sites.
>>>>> You mean when the requests are referred from specific sites, right?
>>>>> - -chris
>>> I think that a bit of clarification is in order now.
>>> 1) When receiving a request, Tomcat "knows" from which client IP this
>>> request is coming.
>>> This is because there is a TCP connection nbetween the client and
>>> Tomcat, and the TCP/IP stack on the Tomcat machine "knows" the IP address
>>> and TCP port from which the remote client is making this connection.
>>> Tomcat can allow/block requests originating from specific IP addresses,
>>> using the RemoteAddress filter (See http://tomcat.apache.org/**
>>> tomcat-7.0-doc/config/valve.**html#Remote_Address_Filter<http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/valve.html#Remote_Address_Filter>)
>>> or the Remote IP Valve (also mentioned there).
>>> This is fairly efficient, because Tomcat already has the information
>>> needed to make the decision.
>>> 2) Because Tomcat has the client's remote IP address, it can also make a
>>> "reverse DNS lookup", to find out which domain name corresponds to this IP
>>> address, and then allow/deny the request based on the remote host's domain
>>> name.  This is done via the RemoteHost filter (http://tomcat.apache.org/
>>> **tomcat-7.0-doc/config/valve.**html#Remote_Host_Filter<http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/valve.html#Remote_Host_Filter>).
>>> It is less efficient than option (1), because a DNS lookup has to take
>>> place.
>>> Furthermore, this DNS lookup is not guaranteed to succeed, because not
>>> all IP addresses are mapped in reverse to a hostname.
>>> I also wonder what happens exactly when the remote host's IP address
>>> corresponds to multiple DNS names, as can happen.
>>> 3) the HTTP "Referer" header in a HTTP request is a different animal.
>>> First, as pointed out by Pid, it can be easily faked by a client.
>>> (So anything based on this should certainly /not/ be considered as any
>>> kind of security-enhancing feature).
>>> Second, it works as follows :
>>> Imagine a browser B, some website W, and the Tomcat web server T.
>>> The browser B gets a web page from site W. This is now the browser's
>>> "current page", and its origin is (to the browser) something like : "
>>> http://website-W/some-**document.html<http://website-W/some-document.html>
>>> ".
>>> In that page, there is a URL link to the Tomcat website on T, for
>>> example something like :
>>> <a 
>>> href="http://website-T/some-**REST-url<http://website-T/some-REST-url>">click
>>> here</a>.
>>> When the user clicks on that link, the browser will send a HTTP request
>>> to Tomcat on server T.  And the browser, in this request, will add a
>>> "Referer:" header containing 
>>> "http://website-W/some-**document.html<http://website-W/some-document.html>
>>> ".
>>> That is because the request originates from the current page, which had
>>> been obtained from 
>>> "http://website-W/some-**document.html<http://website-W/some-document.html>".
>>>  That is what "referrer" means.
>>> As you can see, this is different from cases (1) and (2), because (1)
>>> and (2) refer to the client's own IP address or name, while (3) refers to
>>> another server altogether.
>>> Now the point is to know exactly what Ricardo wants, as per this phrase :
>>> >>> So I would like to have tomcat reply only when requests come from
>>> >>> specific sites.
>>> Does that mean :
>>> - Tomcat should reject requests coming from workstations that are not
>>> themselves within a particular range of IP addresses ? (for example, only
>>> from some customer LANs L1, L2, L3,..) of which the IP addresses are known
>>> in advance ?
>>> OR
>>> - Tomcat should reject requests coming from clients whose own IP
>>> addresses cannot be resolved to hostnames that are members of some DNS
>>> domain (like "*.customer1.com" or "*.customer2.org") ?
>>> OR
>>> - Tomcat should reject requests (from any client), unless these requests
>>> come from a link which itself appears only on some websites ?
>>> (and the possibility of a malicious client "faking" such a "Referer" can
>>> be ignored).
>> According to OP he want's to avoid hot-linking which would be this last
>> case or have I misunderstood something?
> Well, "hot-linking" is not a term he himself mentioned, it is a term
> someone else mentioned, after interpreting the above phrase that he wrote.
>  It is not so clear to me what he really wants.

According to http://marc.info/?l=tomcat-user&m=132007885023069&w=2 he
himself mentioned hotlinking and tried to clarify what he ment :)

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Casper Schmidt

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