Matthew Tyson <> wrote:

>I guess what I'm asking is if I just start using the Servlet 3.0
>for suspending requests out of the box, will it be a thread blocking
>implementation I'm using?

That depends what you mean by "thread blocking". Once startAsync has been 
called the thread that was processing the request/response is released to 
handle other requests regardless of connector.

>HTTP APR/native is blocking as well, correct?

Wrong. You should read the docs, particularly the summary at the bottom of the 
HTTP connector configuration page 

>So if I want to use Servlet 3.0 async (eg, a call to
>and have it be handled without blocking IO, I need to use the NIO

Wrong again. All Servlet IO is blocking IO. If you look at the API you'll see 
that all read and write calls are blocking.

You seem to be mixing up blocking and non-blocking IO with whether or not a 
thread is dedicated to processing a request/reponse pair for the life of the 
request/response. They are very different beasts.

All connectors release the thread to handle other requests once startAsync has 
been called.

As an aside, the non-blocking connectors will use non-blocking IO where they 
can but once you get to the Servlet API, that is always blocking IO.


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