>       <Host name="demo1.company.com" appBase="webapps\demos"

>  > unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="false">
> The appBase I find a little concerning...  You don't have any apps
> directly place in webapps do you?
> So I wasn't 100% sure exactly what to do here. I setup a folder under
webapps called demos. We put our app there, named ROOT.war. Then in another
subfolder of webapps called local, we put probe.war. We thought this would
allow us to monitor all contexts with a single probe install, but it only
seems to show a single localhost context. I assume that the hosts are
separated, and that the context="priviliged" setting can allow a web app to
access other webapps in the same context, but not across hosts.

Does that explanation make sense, and does that remove your concern?

The only idea I have left if nobody can see an obvious flaw in our logic is
to write some custom code to initialise log4j. We would just need to pick
up the context, or a jndi variable and then prefix the log file name with
this. Guess it can't be that hard - just figured that somebody would have
hit this before.

I recall that Mark Thomas mentioned something in a recent response about
looking for some code in tomcat source where it allowed different contexts
to register with JMX using different ports. I looked and can't find it -
always hard to google for something if you don't know the term. Can anyone
provide a pointer to if there is an existing variable containing a context
id, or path, or name or something unique that we could use to prefix the
log file - or is it just easier to setup our own context parameter?



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